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Stronger Than You Know--A Novel Page 5

  “Happens automatically, and sensors tell me if anything unlocks.” Releasing her, he turned back the quilt. “You’re safe here, Kennedy. Swear.”

  Why did her mouth go dry? She nodded.

  “Which side of the bed do you want?”

  “Which side do you usually use?”

  “The middle?”


  He grinned. “Mind if I sleep in my boxers? It’s a requirement, you know. All bachelors who live alone either sleep in the raw or in their shorts. I’m offering shorts as a concession to our sleepover. I promise it doesn’t make you any more susceptible.” He held up his hands. “I respect boundaries, no matter what I’m wearing.” He flashed his dimple at her again. “Or not wearing.”

  Kennedy stared at him, awed that he’d spewed so much nonsense in a single breath. True, sleep pants wouldn’t have hindered him in any way. It was just the idea of him wearing the additional barrier to his oh-so-awesome body. Unfortunately, she’d already been rattled by the idea of sleeping in the same bed with him. Rattled, yet very determined not to be alone with her unruly worries.

  Now she’d have to deal with him being mostly bare?

  He stood there waiting, a look of amused expectation in his eyes, and it was in that moment she realized that he hoped she would protest. Not only that, he assumed she would.

  That man was never serious, not even in a life-and-death situation like they’d experienced only hours ago. Well, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “No biggie,” she said, her tone all breezy and unconcerned, while anticipation hitched her heartbeat into a gallop. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”


  Now she waited...but he didn’t remove his jeans. Darn. She’d been braced for the impact of seeing him mostly bare and, given his grin, he knew it.

  He surprised her by suggesting, “Since you’re being so agreeable, how about we snuggle? That’ll be a hell of a lot easier than trying to keep to my own side of the bed.” Before she could mentally digest that, he asked, “You like snuggling, right?”

  No way would she admit that her life had been devoid of anything even close to snuggling. Get that close to a man? No thanks. Reyes though... “I’m not sure it would be smart to—”

  “I’ve had a shock today,” he said with ludicrous gravity. “Don’t know about you, but I could use some human contact. Strictly platonic. No hanky-panky.” He put his nose in the air. “I’m not that easy, so don’t get any ideas.”

  Crazy Reyes. “How many platonic relationships have you had with women?”

  “A few.” This time he really did look somber. “Here’s the thing, Kennedy. I would never do anything to further stress a woman who was already distressed.”

  “And you’ve dealt with distressed women before?”

  His voice gentled. “Pretty sure you already know the answer to that.”

  “I do.” She didn’t want either of them to get too serious, not right when they were going to bed. Not when she hoped to get some actual sleep. “Snuggling it is. I can keep my hands to myself, no problem. You’re tempting, but you’re not irresistible.”

  “You wound me.” He gestured at the bed. “Climb in.”

  Climb was an accurate term, given the expanse of that oversize bed. She chose the side farthest from the door with the idea that if anyone did get into his house, he’d be better equipped to stop them.

  Settling on her back against the downy soft pillows, she pulled the quilt up to her chin.

  He gave her one long look, then switched off the light. She heard rustling and knew he was stripping down to his shorts. Inhaling deeply through her nose, Kennedy tried to relax.

  When the bed dipped, she tensed all over.

  “You’re like a cobra, ready to strike. Is it safe for me to get comfortable?”

  Nodding, she choked out, “Yes.”

  With great care and a deliberate lack of haste, he scooted closer, put an arm around her waist and drew her into full contact with his body.

  Hot. Hard. And, great, he smelled enticing, too.

  “Turn to your side.” As he said it, he guided her, so that she faced away from him. One thick arm slipped under her head, the other pulled her closer still. “Now sleep.”

  That had to be a joke! Seconds ticked by, then minutes. His heat sank into her. Her breathing aligned with his, slow and deep. He didn’t move, didn’t let his hands wander, and gradually she started to relax.

  Lethargy crept in.

  Sleep beckoned.

  Yet she knew he was still awake. She knew he’d stay awake until she dozed off. When more time passed and he hadn’t done more than hold her safe and secure, she realized what he’d done. And why.


  His voice sounded deep and dark behind her. “Yeah?”

  “You knew I needed this, didn’t you?” Even though she hadn’t known it. “That’s why you suggested it.”

  “I don’t need a reason to want to cuddle with a hot babe, but yeah, I figured we both could use it.”

  Kennedy seriously doubted he had any such need, which made the gesture even nicer. And hot babe? As if. She knew she made a decent appearance, but hot was not a word applied to her.

  “I’ve probably said it a dozen times today, but thank you.”

  He pressed a soft kiss to her temple. “Sleep.”

  Relaxing into him, she did just that.

  * * *

  REYES WOKE BEFORE she did, but then, he always woke early. Didn’t matter what time he went to bed, or how much sleep he got. The sunrise triggered an inner alarm clock. Sometime during the night, Kennedy had turned to face him, and now one flannel-covered thigh was draped over his junk.

  Course he had morning wood.

  Luckily she slept through him gently rearranging her. Slipping from the bed, he yawned, stretched and scratched his chest. All the while his gaze remained on her.

  It was a unique but not altogether unpleasant feeling to have a woman in his house. In his bed.

  In this light, her golden hair looked darker, all the different shades hidden beneath murky shadow. Overall, her honey-blond hair had streaks of lighter blond, brown and even a few hints of red. All natural, he assumed, because she didn’t strike him as a woman who spent much time in a salon. He’d yet to see her hair styled in any way. Sleek ponytails, the occasional braid and sloppy topknots were more her speed.

  His gaze tracked down her small, sweet body.

  The gentle slopes of her breasts barely showed beneath the big shirt. Her arms, one resting limply over her middle, the other turned up by her head, looked delicate and softly rounded in the most feminine way.

  Despite all the work she did at the gym, it didn’t show. There were no obvious muscles, definitely no bulk. He could say she was toned, without excess weight. Except when it came to her ass.

  Plenty of plump curves there.

  Not only was Kennedy short, she was very fine boned. Delicate hands, fingers slightly curled, were half the size of his.

  Drawing a breath, his attention moved to her parted lips. That mouth was at the top of the list of things he’d noticed about her, with her attitude being first, and her stellar ass being second. Her mouth was usually set in a stern line, at least when talking to him. While trying to improve her speed at striking and kicking, she sometimes pursed her lips. When worried, she chewed her bottom lip.

  She displayed a lot of emotions with her mouth, and it never failed to intrigue him.

  Hell, she intrigued him, in ways no one else ever had.

  Why she affected him so strongly, he couldn’t say. It had happened the day he met her, when she’d bombarded him with her suspicious nature.

  His thoughts traveled back as he recalled it, an occasion he’d locked into his memory bank because it had been so uniqu

  Prompted by his sister-in-law, who had insisted that Kennedy looked like a woman needing help, Reyes had approached her with the thought of offering his services.

  For far too long, she’d simply ignored his presence. When he hadn’t budged, she’d had no choice but to acknowledge him.

  She hadn’t been polite about it.

  The way she’d snapped, What? amused him now.

  At the time, it hadn’t been quite so entertaining. I’m Reyes McKenzie, owner of the gym—

  I know who you are.

  She hadn’t given her own name, so he’d stood there, waiting.

  Until she rolled her eyes. Kennedy Brooks. I’ve signed up for a year, but if there’s a problem with my membership—

  There’s no problem. The only problem he’d noticed was that she didn’t know what she was doing. You need any help?

  No, thank you.

  Some invisible force kept him from walking away. If you want to defend yourself—

  Just getting in shape.

  That obvious lie had brought out his most forthright manner. I don’t think so.

  Instead of being impressed with his insight, she’d seemed merely curious. Why do you say that?

  I’ve been watching you, he’d admitted, just to see what she’d say.

  I noticed you watching, she’d countered, showing her own plainspoken ways.

  Reyes had forged on. I was watching because I see the difference between getting in shape and learning how to fend off attackers.

  Well, that confirms something for me.

  For whatever reason, he’d found himself drawn to her. Yeah? What’s that?

  You’re not a mere instructor.

  Obviously she had her own store of acute insight. I already told you, I own the gym.

  You’re more than a mere gym owner, too.

  That straight shot had leveled him, leaving him at a loss.

  You think you’re the only observant one here? No, Mr. McKenzie, I also notice things.

  If on that day someone had told him that Kennedy Brooks would end up in his bed, and that she’d be there not for sex but for protection... Yeah, he might’ve believed it. He’d known right off that she was into something, that she had deep secrets.

  And that he wouldn’t leave her to fend off danger on her own.

  Astounding. Not that he’d save someone in need—that was his stock-in-trade. But that he’d feel compelled to make it personal? Only with Kennedy.

  Studying her, Reyes smiled.

  For a while now, he’d been taking note of Kennedy’s every move. What time she came into the gym, how long she stayed, what she did there and how she acted as she went out. Without being too obvious to the casual observer, she was attentive to her surroundings. She had an air of alert wariness.

  His sister-in-law was right, of course. Kennedy Brooks had a whole lot of something going on. He needed to figure out what.

  Silently he headed into the bathroom, easing the door mostly closed behind him. To keep from disturbing her, he left off the light and didn’t let the door click shut.

  He was standing there at the toilet, lost in thought, when suddenly the light came on, blinding him. Over his shoulder, he looked back to see a sleep-rumpled Kennedy staring at him in mute, openmouthed surprise.


  When she tried to speak, nothing came out.

  Funny stuff. To fill in the silence, he said, “Had to drain the pipes, you know.” She still didn’t move, and he couldn’t, considering he was in the middle of things. “Don’t usually do this with an audience, but if you have some kink I don’t know about—”

  Sharply pivoting, she almost ran into the wall, staggered around and through the doorway and, all in all, fled the scene.

  Smirking, Reyes finished up, then washed his hands, did a quick brush of his teeth and splashed his face. He wasn’t about to waste time shaving yet.

  Expecting to find her in the bedroom, he stepped out, but the rising sun proved the room was now empty. He cocked an ear and detected sounds in the downstairs bathroom.

  What an interesting morning. He’d awakened with sleepy women before, but not in this house, and none who weren’t comfortable with the whole scene.

  Without dressing, he snatched up his cell phone from the nightstand and started down the stairs in time to hear water running. She was likely doing her own quick cleanup before facing him. Not that she needed to. The whole bed-head look and wrinkled sleep clothes worked on her.

  Hell, if he let it happen, he could be half-hard already.

  Determined not to spook her, he called out, “Coffee in the kitchen in ten.” He didn’t get a reply.

  In less than one minute, he had the coffee prep done, and the smell of freshly ground beans filled the air. He set out two mugs, sugar and powdered creamer, in case she wanted either, then he took a seat at the table and switched his phone from sleep mode.

  It pinged immediately, indicating one or both of his siblings had also awakened early. He saw he’d missed a call from Cade, and hit Redial.

  His brother answered with, “Both are dead.”

  Reyes’s brows shot up. To make sure he hadn’t misunderstood, he asked, “The dudes I mangled?”

  “Bullets to their brains. Good thing they were shot in the forehead and not the back of the head, because the ammo used blew out with an explosion.”

  Imagining that, he grimaced. “Meaning a shot to the back of the melon would have destroyed their faces, leaving them unrecognizable.”

  “Exactly.” Grimly Cade said, “You need to find out who Kennedy knows that might commit execution-style murder.”

  “Don’t tell me you feel bad for those bastards.”

  Cade didn’t bother replying to that idiot gibe. They were both capable of offing traffickers when necessary, and neither of them would feel an ounce of remorse when it meant women would be spared their abuse. “If they weren’t dead when I got there, I might have been able to interrogate them—”

  Aka coerce them by whatever means into spilling their guts.

  “—or at the very least I could have tracked them. Now there’s nothing but cold bodies.”

  “Cops see you there?”

  “Stop trying to provoke me.”

  Reyes grinned. No, Cade wouldn’t be spotted. He was far too slick for that. “So now it’s up to Madison to do her thing.”

  “She was up and at it when I got to Dad’s half an hour ago. I’m not sure she went to bed last night.”

  “Yeah, I know how she is when she starts researching. One thing leads to another.”

  “And another and another, and she refuses to stop until the trail goes cold.”

  “If it goes cold.” With Madison, that seldom happened. She could uncover stuff the FBI couldn’t find. Leads that started in one direction often fanned out in new ways that kept her intrigued.

  “Talk to Kennedy,” Cade said. “Then let me know what you find out.”

  “On it.” Speak of the devil, Kennedy dragged herself into the room just then. “Later,” he said to Cade, disconnecting the call and coming to his feet to pull out a chair for her. The girl looked like a very appealing zombie. That sweet bottom dropped into the seat as if pulled by forceful magnets. She managed to get one hand up in time to catch her head, and then she sat there, boneless, her eyes barely open.

  For some ridiculous reason, Reyes felt charmed. “Not a morning person?”

  Without answering, her eyes sank shut.

  He chuckled and headed for the coffee carafe. It was still sputtering when he pulled it free and filled two mugs. After setting both on the table, he asked, “How do you take it?”

  Again without replying, she lifted the mug to her mouth, sipped, sipped, sipped, sighed, and said, “Cream and sugar.”

  On the verge
of laughing, Reyes dumped in a spoonful of sugar, waited while she watched on with heavy eyes, and then dumped in another.

  She murmured, “Thank you.”

  “I have powered creamer or milk.”

  “Milk, please.”

  Happy to wait on her, especially since it gave him insight into her preferences, he fetched the milk and dropped in a splash. Lifting one finger, she touched the bottom of the carton, urging him to pour more until the mug was full again.

  Before he could use the spoon, she stirred it with her finger, then popped that finger into her mouth with an appreciative “mmm” that made him tighten all over.

  Sinking back into his chair, his gaze glued to those lips, he said, “So you know, that’s crazy suggestive.”

  As if she hadn’t heard him, she brought the mug to her mouth and gulped. “Oh, that.” Another long drink, leaving the mug half-empty. “Yeah, that’ll help.” Sleepy eyes finally focused on him.

  He felt it with the same intensity as that sucking lick to her finger. He tried to joke, but the words came out low and gravelly. “You, lady, pack a wallop.”

  Her lip curled in disdain. “You must be really easy.”

  “Actually, I’m not.” If anything, he was damned selective with his female company. First rule, the woman couldn’t have designs on happy-ever-after. Not with him.

  Where did that leave Kennedy? Where did he want it to leave her?

  “I’m not convinced,” she said. Stroking her fingers through her tangled hair, leaving the off-center part totally crooked. She indulged a giant yawn. “I know what I look like. Had to face myself in the mirror.”

  “After you eyeballed me.” Folding his arms on the table, he watched her, then slowly smiled. “There it is. That rosy blush.”

  “See this?” She tipped her mug at him. “Only half a cup gone. I’ll need the rest of this and two more before I verbally spar with you, so take pity on me and stop right now.”

  The strangest damn thing happened. Affection crowded in, taking the lead over sexual interest. Huh. The anomalous sensation left him confused, but not for long.

  This was similar to what he felt with his sister-in-law, only it was different, too, because he didn’t want in Sterling’s pants.